Return of the Kiwi

March 11, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I've just returned from a trip to my homeland of New Zealand. it was mostly a time for catching up with family and friends, since my last visit, three years ago. I did manage to escape to what I really love, travel photography of the landscape, the trees, the birds, their song, the beaches and more! I'll spare you the family snaps for now. Here's some of my photography from the trip, of my first true love, the nature of New Zealand...

For you camera buffs, this was all captured on my Canon 5DmarkIII, 24-70mm 2.8, L series 70-200mm 2.8, manfrotto tripod, cable trigger release, with no filters or over-the-top Photoshopping...

The ferns are a plenty, with over 100 different types native to New Zealand...

Here is a stand of Punga tree ferns with a Manuka tree, renowned for it's honey..

Here's one of our native wood pigeon's, Kereru, in Maori. Known to fall out of trees after eating too many berries... 

The textures of the trees are pretty special...

As are the roads to cycle and drive on...

The Pohangina river was nice to paddle in and skim stones on...

Even the boat parking spots are special, right next to the flax and Pohutukawa tree...

This lovely quiet beach is on the Coromandel Peninsula, find it if you can...

The early morning walks are well rewarded...

They really really are...

An Oystercatcher and chick beach-combing...

Setting out on a boat for a spot of fishing, I thought this island would eat up the Loch Ness Monster, no worries mate...

This Pied Shag was quite happy waiting for us to throw our smaller fish back in. Though most got away, this Snapper had a bad day...

The name on the boat says it all, at our campsite on Long Bay, Coromandel... Happy Dayz...

The native bush walks are amazing. So many different ferns and palms...

As are the Toi Toi flowers and views over Otago Harbour, from Taiaroa Head, Otago Peninsula...

Volcanic rocks on the Otago coast, with Bull Kelp, waving around in crystal clear waters...

Down in Queenstown, the sun sets over the Remarkable Ranges, a backdrop for many scenes of Lord of the Rings...

And on the drive up through central South Island, the blue waters are just stunning...

A Totara tree and me, Pohangina Reserve, Palmerston North..

It's fair to say, Aotearoa, New Zealand, is a magical land, its strength and beauty is in my soul and always will be...


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