October 27, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Calderdale is a little known region, one that I've had the great fortune to live, work in, as press photographer and now PR and Commercial photographer. It's been an amazing place to be, since leaving my native New Zealand 10 years ago.

Hardly a day goes by when people say I must be crazy living on this side of the world, but I'm sure if you take a look through my landscape, press and events photography, you'll agree, it's not bad at all!

For the those of you who don't know, it's hidden away between Manchester, Leeds, Bradford and Huddersfield.

View over Heptonstall and Stoodley PikeView over Heptonstall and Stoodley PikeView over Wadsworth War Memorial, Hebden Bridge, with Heptonstall and Stoodley Pike

It's at the heart of the Pennines, with Halifax, Hebden Bridge, Brighouse, Sowerby Bridge and many, quaint towns and villages dotted in between...

It includes the National Trust site, Hardcastle Crags, with it's original stepping stones...

Stepping stones, Hardcastle CragsStepping stones, Hardcastle Crags

it's full of plenty of great characters, like these at this year's Norland Scarecrow Festival...

Norland Scarecrow FestivalNorland Scarecrow FestivalNorland Scarecrow Festival


there's plenty of tranquil waterways in hidden valleys...

Fiddle Wood, Mill BankFiddle Wood, Mill BankAn autumn ramble through Fiddle Wood, Mill Bank, Calderdale

and lots of great open spaces, like here at Lumbutts...

Lumbutts, TodmordenLumbutts, Todmorden

There's one the best small villages in Yorkshire, Mill Bank, according to Yorkshire in Bloom, gold award winners x 4, it's a bit steep though!


Mill Bank conservation villageMill Bank conservation village

 All over the region, there are plenty of modern work-places created out of historic mills, like here at Dean Clough, Halifax...

Dean Clough Mills, HalifaxDean Clough Mills, HalifaxStaff from various businesses enjoying the lunchtime sunshine at Dean Clough Mills, Halifax

 and the Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre...

Limehouse, Elsie Whiteley Innovation CentreLimehouse, Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre    there are world class manufacturers, like Millers Oils...

Miller's Oils, BrighouseMiller's Oils, BrighouseOfficial opening celebrations of the Research and Development Centre at Millers Oils, Brighouse.Pictured - Tony Green - senior engineer for Astin Martin, with Cliff Whitwell from Millers Oils

and Decorative Panels in Elland...

Decorative Panels, Lowfields, EllandDecorative Panels, Lowfields, EllandOfficial opening of Decorative Panels, Lowfields Way, Lowfield Business Park, Elland

 The best part of it all, are the after work and school escapes...

Blackshaw Edge summer festivalBlackshaw Edge summer festivalPeace Artists entertaining at the annual Blackshaw Head fete.  From the festivals to the games... Rugby Yorkshire StyleRugby Yorkshire StyleAction from the game between, Halifax RUFC and Moseley  there's a whole lot of scoring going on...

Rugby Union at Old Brodliens, HipperholmeRugby Union at Old Brodliens, HipperholmeActions from the game Old Brodliens Colts v Sheffield at Woodhead, Hipperholme
Pictured for Brods is try for Jonny Lodge
 a bit of splashing to be done, kayaking in the Calder river, Sowerby Bridge...

Kayaking National Championships, Calder River, Sowerby BridgeKayaking National Championships, Calder River, Sowerby BridgeActions from the Halifax Canoe Club Slalom Competition, Greenups Mill, Calder River, Sowerby Bridge.
Pictured is Darren Cresser

some jumping with Fax RL...

Fax Rugby LeagueFax Rugby LeagueActions from the game Fax RL v Batley at the Shay, Halifax
Pictured is

and cricketing moments...

The good and bad of Yorkshire CricketThe good and bad of Yorkshire Cricket

 whether you like agriculture...

Halifax Agricultural ShowHalifax Agricultural ShowIt's all about the footwork at Halifax Agricultural Show 2012, Savile Park

 a bit of folky fun at the Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing Festival...

Rushbearing Festival, Sowerby BridgeRushbearing Festival, Sowerby BridgeSowerby Bridge Rushbearing Festival

 or just sitting on a fence...

Boys on the gate, Tour de Yorkshire 2014Boys on the gate, Tour de Yorkshire 2014The Tour de Yorkshire travels through Ripponden in Calderdale   watching great spectacles, like the Tour de Yorkshire...

Team Sky, Tour de Yorkshire, The Fleece, Ripponden, 2014Team Sky, Tour de Yorkshire, The Fleece, Ripponden, 2014

 or seeing special places like Castle Carr fountains...

Castle Carr FountainCastle Carr FountainRotary club of Halifax arranged rare opportunity to view the old gravity fed Castle Carr Fountain, on the estate near Wainstalls, Halifax

 Doing the cruise thing, with a canal boat ride...

Shire Cruises, on the canal, Sowerby BridgeShire Cruises, on the canal, Sowerby Bridge

Or checking out the fashions at one of the few remaining family run department stores in the UK, Harvey's of Halifax...

Fashion shows at Harvey's of HalifaxFashion shows at Harvey's of Halifax60th anniversary celebrations at Harveys department store, Halifax.
Pictured are models on the catwalk

 and eating in some of the best restaurants in Yorkshire, like here at Gimbals, Sowerby Bridge...

Fine dining at Gimbals restaurant, Sowerby BridgeFine dining at Gimbals restaurant, Sowerby BridgeFeature of Gimbals Restaurant, Wharf Street, Sowerby Bridge, for competition with I Love Sowerby Bridge.
Pictured is food from the new menu, St Clements posett with rose scented stewed rhubarb and an orange florentine

 You've got to admit, it's a Pretty Gritty place to be, just don't tell everyone!

Sunset walks, near RippondenSunset walks, near Ripponden


 To see all 101 photographs (don't count them, because I haven't), go to http://www.bfpix.co.uk/calder "Best of Calderdale" gallery... and follow me on twitter @bfpix for more.

                                                    All photography copyright Bruce Fitzgerald 2015.


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